I finally arrived at Diebougou, Burkina Faso's International Airport, I wouldnt exactly call it an airport more like a long parking lot with homeless people wandering about. At 2nd look the homeless people are actually the guards or army....They have weapons and they seem to be looking for a reason to use them.. Since the plane was late and the curfew was still on we had to stay overnight in the terminal. They gave us small airplane blankets that were very old..How old? Well the Braniff Airlines logo kind of gave me an idea of the age...and it seems when they were last washed. My floor mate had a blanket with Peoples Express printed all over it. They then came by and served us brown liquid that I thought was weak coffee but was really just water. After a sleepless and frigid night the sun came up and at 6:30am it must have been 120 degree's. Off we went in a caravan of broken buses to the hotels of our choice. The first stop was the 5 star hotel and out went a few journalists and aid workers that I met on the plane. Those aid workers seem to travel first class. After 3 stops I was unloaded at the Burkina Inn, a place I found on the internet, they seem to still be waiting for that elusive star and by my guess it aint comin. The room was passable especially after 32 hours of travel. SFO - London - Angola - Ghana - Burkina Faso. I slept for 12 hours to wake up to a very large bug or very small rodent crawling up my leg..no problem.... Curfew was back on again so i couldnt wander around unless I wanted to be shot, extorted or both, so I stayed in my room and watched what seemed like Burkina Faso Idol or something,..I couldnt even decipher what language they were speaking...It could have been a government spokesman telling the masses to rise up and kill all foreigners. Either way it was a catchy tune. At this point I was starving. The restaurant at the hotel had eggs so I thought it being the safest bet it would be my dinner. Actually they were quite good. They seem to be speaking french here also so maybe that has had a culinary influence.
Tomorrow I meet with Mr. Atumbo Momoga, the real estate guy I found online who inspired me to come in the first place. We shall see what he can show me and I will also meet with a lawyer to check about ownership and titles etc etc...Its fun to finally be out in the real world looking at real possibilities!!!
I am posting this from the hotels "business assist center" where I have finally been reunited with that 9600 baud modem I threw out in 1990.
I will keep you all informed!!
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