Here in Goa, a cute little house with a cute little kitchen 50 yards from the beach in a touristy part but on the nicest area to swim...nice body surfing waves and easy beach shack eating.. its quieter here..quieter meaning its loud and i need earplugs like ALL of India but I dont hear thumping techno all night..
went to chappora last night which is a town i used to hang out in 28 years still has the same vibe of chillum smokers, eurodrunks and wanna be junkies a bit surly....if you are looking for the guy who stole money from you 15 years ago and dissapeard and if he stole less then $3,000 then most likely he is in chappora. . I went there to get a motorcycle and a souvlaki....
now i got my bike and i am mobile...
Now Sal and me are having our morning coffee on the porch and I am about to cut the papaya and pineapple...rough life....of course i did spend 15 minutes mind fucking about taxes this morning...
here are some pics of my little house and my new cat...
would love to see the beach and ocean and reminisce
Oh... cute house and cute cat. Very clean and well fed cat...
Funny to see the towering condominium behind the goa style house. I was in Candolin 6 years ago. I might havea huge shoc seeing the change when I get there.
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